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    《華語文教學研究》(Journal of Chinese Language Teaching)為研究華語文教學之專業學術期刊,刊登與華語文有關的語言結構分析、語言習得、教學理論、教學方法等領域之論文;議題可涵蓋語言本體、語言內容(文化)、學習者、教學者、學習環境、教材與教學法、機構經營與行政管理、國家政策、標準、及其它適當之議題,可以是理論的探討、文獻的系統性綜覽與評析、量化或質性的實證研究、跨領域理論與方法的介紹等。論文是否接受刊登的重要判準是對華語文教學是否有啟發性的貢獻2010-2011年,一年三期,自2012年改為季刊,於三月、六月、九月及十二月發行。



    從創刊至今,持續刊登許多國內外學者有關華語文研究與教學的論文,品質不斷提升,以致投稿數遞增,而通過率遞減,自第七卷起(2010年)由半年刊改為一年三期刊。本期刊自2008年已經被收錄為台灣人文論文引文索引資料庫(THCI Core)期刊名單之中,與其他國內歷史悠久之相關領域重要期刊並駕齊驅。










Aim and Scope

Established in June of 2004 by the World Chinese Language Association (WCLA), the Journal of Chinese Language Teaching (JCLT) is a refereed, international journal focusing on language structure analysis, language acquisition, teaching theories, teaching methods related to Teaching Chinese as a Second Language. Research issues concerning a wide range of topics are welcome, including language as a form, language as contents/culture, learners, teachers, learning environments, teaching materials and teaching methods, institutional operations and management, language policies, standards, and other appropriate aspects of language learning. The submissions may be a theoretical analysis and critique, introduction of an interesting theory or paradigm (particularly across disciplines) that is relevant to CSL, a systematic review of the literature on a specific topic, or an empirical work reporting either qualitative or quantitative data. An important criterion for acceptance for publication is the significant implications of the reported work for teaching and learning of Chinese as a second language.

Prior to 2010, JCLT was a biannual publication. Beginning in 2010, the journal will be published three times a year, in April, August, and December.Beginning in 2012, the journal will be published four times a year, in March, June,  September and December.

The Journal of Chinese Language Teaching has received the following awards:

THCI Core Certificate

TSSCI Certificate

2011 Assessment of Jurnals in the filed of Humanities and Social sciences Certificate

Editorial staff

The Journal of Chinese Language Teaching has established an editorial board and appointed an editor-in-chief and an executive editor, and several editorial advisory committees. Members of the editorial board have the authority to participate in editorial decisions affecting the journal while the advisory committees do not participate in decision-making. The executive editor is responsible for the content of the publication. Printing expenses are provided by WCLA.
